Sunday, March 29, 2015

Reservation vs Rearden

In the book, the reservation is a negative place for Junior. The way I see it, Rearden is a better place for Junior rather then the reservation. At the reservation, all Junior had was violence, bad memories, and bullying. Since he was born different from others with water in his head and extra teeth, he has been the "retard" that everyone on the rez picks on. not only kids even older adults pick on him too. This is because they are all miserable and have given up, so they have nothing better to do but spread their depression. When Junior goes to Rearden he is called by his real name "Arnold" and everyone respects him. They don't respect him at first but they do after a while of getting used to the new kid. He gets a girlfriend who happens to be the most popular girl in the school, Penelope. He gets a group of popular friends like Roger and his friends. People stick up for him when the teacher made a racist joke. When at the rez, he's nothing but a punching bag, but at Rearden, he's a popular respected kid.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Max's Speech

In Book 3 after Bigger is caught and the court wants him to confess, Jan has brought Max, a lawyer who will help work on Bigger's case for free. Jan might as well help Bigger because the communists are also tied into the situation. In court Max delivers a very important speech, he gives insight on a different view of the situation. Everyone is always talking about how it was the black's who have done wrong and it's their fault, but Max tells the side of how it could be the whites to blame. He tells the court about how it was the fear of being black and how they were treated by the white people which caused Bigger to do what he has done. He wants to show that it isn't Bigger's fault, and there is something to be said about the racism and discrimination towards blacks which caused the death of Mary Dalton. I personally liked his speech because it's things like this which help break barriers. It would be something like this that would make change in the world and it helps people realize themselves, because most of the time people are too busy pointing fingers that they don't see themselves.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Green Lights, Yellow Cars, and Church Steeples

In the Great Gatsby colors seem to be a big part of the story. Many different colors have different meanings that play roles in the story.

The green light seen at the end of Daisy's dock represents the American dream of Americans who are rising in the economy and getting richer. As we know money is green and in The Great Gatsby we see many characters around us in high class fancy environments. Gatsby a more notable one, throws grandiose parties with fresh fruits, a live orchestra, alcohol, and many other luxuries only the wealthy have.

Gatsby's yellow car, or his clown car relates to the American dream because a part of being wealthy is owning many expensive products one of which is a fancy car, or in Gatsby's case many fancy cars. His yellow Rolls Royce is a very iconic car because of it's bright yellow color which announces his arrival where he goes. Gatsby wanted to use his bright car to attract daisy and to show her that now he is very rich.

In the story there is a line "There was nothing to look at from under the tree except Gatsby's enormous house, so I stared at it, like Kant at his church steeple, for half an hour." With some research we find out that Kant was a German philosopher who liked to stare at a church steeple which helped him think and solve problems. Like Kant, Nick is also very philosophical always paying attention to his surroundings and thinking about others.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Thoughts on Janie

I really don't blame Janie for anything because she had a rough childhood, and was raised during a bad time. Her grandmother had to run away and hide in a swamp with Leafy, one of Janie's sisters. Unfortunately she went out drinking and eventually ruined herself. So her grandmother really had all her hopes left on Janie. She lived in the Washburn's backyard. She thought she was white for a while, until she saw a photograph. Janie has always been quiet, and unable to really be that "strong independent woman." Her relationship with Jody really didn't help either. Jody used her for his own benefit to become a leader with power. When Janie messed up he would yell at her, and make her feel bad about herself. Janie wasn't too good at doing work so when she cut the tobacco wrong for a customer, Jody went off on her in public. She never had her own voice, and she was always controlled by someone else. After Jody died, Janie went to his deathbed to express her opinions of him. Janie didn't find her true love with him, and now she seems to slowly gain control again. She's free from Jody bossing her around, and she is her own person. She gets to put her hair down, because before Jody controlled her too much. She soon gets in a relationship with Tea Cake, which I think is when she finally made a good decision. Tea Cake seems to fit her nicely, and she enjoys being with him. He helps her find her true self and help her express herself. I think Tea Cake is the opposite of Jody, and he is really beneficial towards Janie. 

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


I am Thankful for my friend Kyle Yu, because he is a good friend and always there for me. If I forgot the homework, or forgot to bring a textbook home, he would send me a picture or remind me the work. I also do the same for him to return the favor. He's a good friend overall and I have known him before coming to Whitney Young. Happy Thanksgiving.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Principles to Keep

In "The Road" we learn about a new theme of principle. In the book the Father and Son follow principles even though the world turned upside down. They seem to follow the rule of the old world, before the apocalyptic event. Don't kill innocent people, don't eat people, and help others. Other people may have abandoned some or all of these rules. Like the group of bandits who steal and eat people to survive. Unlike them the Father and Son would rather starve then be cannibals. These principles are something they keep throughout the story.

In the real world we do have principles, but I feel a good principle to keep would be: Treat others the way you want to be treated. Even though you have probably heard this since childhood, you probably never really took it too seriously. People often make fun of others because of how they are different. Others are mistreated because of who they are. If everyone treated each other the way they wanted to be treated, the world could be a better place. People would be happier, friendly, and outgoing. People don't have to be shy and worried about other judging them. They could be happy and proud of who they are. A big problem with today's society is the image that is set by many different factors including, Media, Entertainment, Music, and Celebrities. If you don't follow that image then you aren't good enough. This could also pertain to how we see violence, abuse, and brutality in the news. Unless you want to be treated that way, don't do it to others. This would be a good principle that everyone should actually keep.

Saturday, October 25, 2014


Ernest Miller Hemingway born on July 2, 1961 when Chuck Norris accidentally stepped on a typewriter. Hemingway was born in Oak Park, Illinois. His Mother, Grace was a musician and his father, was a physician. As a child he wore girl clothes.... But later on he became a man when his father taught him how to fish,hunt, and camp in their summer home in Michigan. When he grew older he attended oak Park and River Forest High School. He was in many sports including: Football, Boxing, Track, and Water Polo. Unfortunately he wasn't too good at them. But what he was good at was making up stories about how good he was in the sports. He soon discovered his real talent in writing after joining a journal class. He joined the school newspaper, and eventually he became a reporter for Kansas city star. When World War I rolled around he wanted to go battle in the front lines. Sadly he wasn't able to so he was working with the red cross delivering chocolate and cigarettes for the Italian army. One time in the middle of his delivery he got injured by a mortar explosion. While he was in the hospital recovering, he wrote to pass the time. Later on he returned home and with nothing to do, he joined the Toronto Star. Later he met Hadley and married her. Hemingway being very popular with the ladies married a total of 4 times throughout his life, and had 3 kids. Later on he got involved in the Spanish Civil War, and World War II. During World War II he pretended to be the captain of a infantry group and got in trouble with the government. His charged was later dropped when he claimed he only offered them some tips. As he grew older he moved to Cuba to fish with his friends. Hemingway was a man who did whatever he wanted to do. Many of his stories came from his experiences. Some including the wars, traveling to Africa, or fishing in Cuba. Eventually he was involved in two plane crashes and survived both with some injuries. Then on July 2, 1961 he committed suicide.

Hemingway was a great author many of his pieces were very interesting to read and I enjoy his stories because of his writing style. He uses the iceberg method where not the entire story is revealed and you have to think hard to see the true meaning. I think Hemingway was a great man and very inspirational and made something of himself in the world.