Sunday, November 23, 2014

Principles to Keep

In "The Road" we learn about a new theme of principle. In the book the Father and Son follow principles even though the world turned upside down. They seem to follow the rule of the old world, before the apocalyptic event. Don't kill innocent people, don't eat people, and help others. Other people may have abandoned some or all of these rules. Like the group of bandits who steal and eat people to survive. Unlike them the Father and Son would rather starve then be cannibals. These principles are something they keep throughout the story.

In the real world we do have principles, but I feel a good principle to keep would be: Treat others the way you want to be treated. Even though you have probably heard this since childhood, you probably never really took it too seriously. People often make fun of others because of how they are different. Others are mistreated because of who they are. If everyone treated each other the way they wanted to be treated, the world could be a better place. People would be happier, friendly, and outgoing. People don't have to be shy and worried about other judging them. They could be happy and proud of who they are. A big problem with today's society is the image that is set by many different factors including, Media, Entertainment, Music, and Celebrities. If you don't follow that image then you aren't good enough. This could also pertain to how we see violence, abuse, and brutality in the news. Unless you want to be treated that way, don't do it to others. This would be a good principle that everyone should actually keep.

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