Sunday, September 21, 2014

John Proctor, Stooge or Hero?

John Proctor isn't exactly a hero, so I would say that he is a stooge. When you think of a Hero, you think of someone who does good deeds and ends suffering. Unfortunately Proctor's actions have also contributed into the Salem Witch Trials. At first he is convinced to go to Salem to find out the truth about the witchcraft incident in the forest. But then once he gets there, we find out that he had an affair with Abigail and she still wants to be with him. But proctor is with Elizabeth now, and Abigail wanted to kill Elizabeth by conjuring spirits in the forest. Later he reveals that he committed adultery to try to save his wife from the consequences due to Abigail lying in court. He later forces Mary to explain and tell the truth of the whole hoax. Proctor does have his sins himself because he can't recite all 10 commandments, and his youngest son isn't baptized. But in the end he did do some heroic acts such as saving his name and accepting his fate.


  1. But don't you think that John Proctor has his reasons for most of his sins? He explains that he doesn't trust Parris and that's why his youngest son is not baptized. And because made the mistake of having sex with Abigail, he is now trying to prove himself to her.

    1. Thanks for the comment, I think he's a bit of both and he did do heroic deeds and he has his reasons, It was just the book was kind of confusing and I didn't get it as much the first time.

  2. I believe that although Proctor had many sins, there were always justifications for his actions. In the end, he wanted to do good and save his name, but he also was trying to save his wife and his family. Overall, this was very well written!

    1. Thanks for the comment I start to see him as a hero because at first the story was kinda confusing. But it starts to make sense now.

  3. I couldn't agree more with most of your arguments in this blog. You also did a great job of backing your arguments up with evidence!
